Sunday, March 6, 2016

Chinese Lunar New Year -- a bittersweet time for Chinese students

“Mum! I’m going to shoot off some firecrackers and do some fireworks with my friends now!

“Come back for the delicious food that your grandpa and grandma are making now when you are done,” my mum said.

As a kid, one of the most exciting things about celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year was setting off fireworks with my neighbors. It’s not uncommon to  see a group of boys and couple girls making a circle on the street and pressing lighters. During the daytime, we set off the firecrackers to raise excitement  in our community, but when it got darker, every child changed to fireworks to release color into the sky.

Before I came to the U.S, I did not know that people in western countries referred to  this holiday as Chinese Lunar New Year. In China we call this holiday “the Spring Festival,” and pronounce it “Chun Jie” in Mandarin. The largest and the most important holiday in China, Chun Jie symbolizes solidarity, prosperous life, and hope for each family.

Many people who chose to leave their villages and go to big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or Guangzhou to work really hard for a better job and life seldom go back to their place of birth, but they would spare no efforts to go back home during Chunjie because it was the best time to show their respects to family and tell them that they earned a lot of money and a better life. And many Chinese students in this country wish deeply that they could take the time to join them. For most of them, the Lunar Year is much more important than the regular New Year or other holidays.

It’s not easy to make the journey home for Spring Festival. In fact, college students who must travel home suffer through Chunyun, which means “Spring Festival season traffic.” this phenomenon usually begins weeks before Lunar New Year and ends one month later. This year  passengers took three billion trips during Chunyun. We usually make a joke about Chunyun and call it is the biggest periodical migration for humans around the world. Yet everyone suffers it with joy because they are truly eager to go back home.

The Spring Festival occurs on a different date every year due to the varying lunar calendar. This year it took place on Feb. 8. A week before, “the Little Spring Festival” begins, when people start to clean every corner in their home, decorate and buy new clothes.

As the only child in my family, I had to help my family to clean the house, go shopping with my mum and celebrate the Special Festival with my parents and grandparents. If I refused, I would be considered an inconsiderate child . On the eve of Chun jie, my family visits my father’s parents home to celebrate together with my father’s sibling families and help them to cook different foods. Each family has different preferences, but dumplings always appear on the dinner table.

After we finished our dinner, everyone sits together and watches CCTV (China Central Television) New Year’s Gala (the most watched television show in the world), as 500-800 million other people watch it at same time around the world.

In ancient China, parents did not want evils to scare their children while they were sleeping, so they always put a copper coin on their bed to keep the evils away. Today, the first thing children ask from their parents when they wake up on Chunjie morning is for the “lucky red envelopes.” which contain a lot of cash from parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts.

How much lucky money the children get sometimes depends on the family’s social status. Some wealthy parents would give their child $2000 and $1000 to their nephews and nieces in one lucky envelope.  In many families, the money increases as the children grow. The average luck money that Chinese children receive during the holiday season is about $850.

Another big tradition during that night is the fireworks. Yet the New Year’s Gala has not finished, everyone brings a lighter and carries all of the fireworks they have outside to set off. We believe ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year is very necessary we believe the noise can scare the evils away and we do not want evils to stay with us for the new year. Fireworks also bring joy and good luck to people in the new year.  

The Spring Festival usually lasts 15-days. On the second day every family visits the child’s grandparents from the maternal side.

Now, I am 22 years old, and these traditions seem further and further away from me because I chose to study abroad in the U.S. This year when my family members were celebrating the Lunar New Year, I was writing my paper and preparing for the exams. I avoided calling home on Lunar New Year’s eve, not because I was too busy working on my assignments, but because my grandma misses me so much and she cries when she hears my voice. The next day, my mum sent me a picture of the lucky red envelope that my grandma had prepared for me.

For the 300,000 Chinese International students studying in the U.S, missing the celebration of the Spring Festival is a very heartbreaking thing. Because this is a very meaningful holiday for the family, a time for every Chinese to release the pressure from their jobs and share happiness. No one’s face would show a little annoyance if they had the time to visit with family.

Jian Kang, ’18, an economics major, is from southern China, and in his second year studying in the U.S. The only thing he wants for Chinese Lunar New Year, he said, is a reunion with his family.  “Last year was my first year to miss the Spring Festival in 23 years,” Kang said.“It used to be the happiest day of the year for me, but now the celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year became a moment that I miss my family.”

“Before I came to the U.S, I did not know what it felt like to miss the Spring Festival. But after two years of missing it in the U.S, I felt too oppressive and I really missed my family,” Sixiang Chen, ’19, said, almost crying. “During my third year of high school in the U.S, I could not endure anymore, and I went to the headmaster and ask for a 10-day break for all of the Chinese students. I told them that the Spring Festival is a really, really, really huge holiday in China. It’s same as Christmas in the U.S.” The headmaster agreed with Chen’s suggestions and also approved the Chinese Lunar New Year into the school’s calendar.

After studying in the U.S for almost 6 years, I finally realized going back home and celebrating the Spring Festival with parents and grandparents means much more than going back home for summer. We care about this more than any other things while we are studying in the other country.

Sometimes, I even consider giving  up my GPA to exchange a week off for just going back to say "Guo Nian Hao/ Happy New Year" to my family. As an International student, who is also the only child in my family, missing the celebration of the Spring Festival is not about the lucky red envelope, setting off the fireworks, or the new clothes anymore. Nothing would compare to a short moment of reunion with family.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Difference between the Campus Newspaper in American & Chinese Universities

Hello everyone! Since the last semester ended, I have not post any stories on my blog. Sorry about that!

Because I just joined, the Defender, our school’s newspaper team this semester, I want to particularly introduce the campus newspaper in American Universities/Colleges. The college newspaper is the most traditional and common medium that plays an important role to deliver college’s news, spread campus cultures, and illustrate special features on campus. Most colleges/universities have their own newspaper. Usually, the newspaper is widely read by undergraduates, graduate students, staff, and faculty members widely on campus.

The big difference between American college newspapers and Chinese university newspaper is that the college newspapers is not founded and organized by the school’s authorization. In some large universities, there is a specific student business board and a full-time general to operate the press together on campus. For example, the Yale Daily News, one of the most well known campus newspaper in the U.S, and they produce daily print newspaper on campus. However, at Saint Michael’s College, since we are not a huge university and we do not have a student board to operate, the department who is in charge of our own press is Media Studies/ Journalism department. Our newspaper is called, The Defender, and we, the students and we publish our newspaper every two weeks on campus, working with two faculty advisers. Read our press’ online version here:

Another big difference is that the college newspaper is student-centered is the U.S. The Chinese universities newspaper usually talks about the “big things” about the school, and it always relates to the campus political events. For instance, the newspaper would cover whom the president and secretary have met today, what kinds of meeting the school has this week, or what kind of the new reputation the school has. On the other hand, in American universities, the press usually introduces “small things” to students because it wants students to know what is really happening around them. It does not only cover the campus lives, athletes updates, or special events, it also reflects the idea of the educational system in the U.S.

Our statement of our newspaper is “We, the voice of St. Michael’s College, strive to create high quality journalism collected on a foundation of integrity. We represent the pulse of our campus by facilitating a forum for informative, enlightening and thought-provoking conversation. Through in-depth reporting, accurate storytelling and exceptional visuals, the Defender aims to professionally and ethically deliver the truth to our diverse audience.”

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Global Housing at Saint Michael’s College

There are many different types of living options at Saint Michael’s College. We have regular dormitories, suites, apartments and townhouses. Students elect their preferred room based on their lottery in April. In addition, there are also some factors influencing students getting a lottery with a good or bad number.

(Yellow=Dormitory, Orange=Suite, Black=Apartment, Blue=Townhouse)

The first one is what year a student is. If you are a rising senior, you will definitely have the preferential right to choose your lottery, then juniors and sophomores. The next factor is your GPA, because the higher GPA you have, the better lottery number lottery you can get. I think this is a very fair way to determine what kind of housing you will receive. Because every student has the same right in the school, the only way to determine who has more privilege is dependent on their academic performance.

(My suite's lounge-GEAR housing)

However, for international students, there is a different choice. Because our college really cares and wants to improve national students’ competency, our college has created a program called GEAR (Global Experience Academic Residential Program) in a suites hall. This is a housing especially for international students, as well as American students who want to hang out with international students.

(Indian Food)

(Japanese Night)

(Saudi Arabian Kebab)

The biggest difference between GEAR housing and other housing is that each suite in GEAR has to create an event for its floor, and invite anyone and everyone to come. The event can be any activity, but the school mainly wants residents to bring more cultural events from different countries. Why? Because it is very important to let the students know how important understanding different countries’ cultures, languages and even economics are in modern times.

(Bowling Night)

For example, my suite created a bowling night because most of our events were held in the building. But this time, I want to bring my residents off campus to go outside the school. I booked two 12 seat school vans for my event, but more than 24 residents came to join us. This proved a very successful event because everyone was bowling until around midnight! We had a blast!

(Bowling Night)

In general, I have seen many fun activities in our international suite - such as Saudi Arabian students cooking kebab, Indian dance, Japanese night, Chinese dumplings, and carving pumpkins. In addition, every international student is not an English native speaker, so studying in the U.S can sometimes be stressful. In order to help international students to relax mentally, our school also prepares a meditation trainer for international students every Tuesday night!  It is not usual to see A university creating such a cool international housing experience, and preparing so many valuable events for international students on a small campus, but Saint Michael’s College does it. As an RA and a resident in GEAR housing, I can feel our school pays a lot of attention and energy to international students and our daily needs. This is what makes Saint Michael’s College special.

(Bowling Night-GEAR Residents)

Monday, November 9, 2015

Hiking the ‘Beast of the East”– Chinese Students Take to the Vermont Mountains to Experience The “Red Sea”

(Mountain Day During High School in 2010)

I had hiked a few times since I came to the U.S. The first time was during high school. In my high school, we always had one random day off during the week in October for hiking. My school always did not tell us which day is our Mountain Day because they wanted to give students a surprise and encourage everybody to go hiking. The interesting thing was that if anyone of us was trying to skip the Mountain Day for a day off, we had to prove certain reasons; otherwise, we might get an absence if we did not go hiking.
(Snow Mountain Hiking in Seattle in 2010)
(Snow Mountain Hiking in Seattle in 2010)
(Snow Mountain Hiking in Seattle in 2010)
(Snow Mountain Hiking in Seattle in 2010)

Unfortunately, I did not make it to the top for the first time because I ran out of times and I did not have any experience hiking in the U.S. Hiking in the U.S is a little different from China since there are no stairs in mountains here. What we had are just some directions and a not very obvious trail. I regretted that I could not make it to the top, but I promised myself that I must make it to the top next year.

After my second time hiking with my school, my perspective of hiking was completely changed. The moment that I could see the landscape on the top just made me feel wonderful. I was telling myself that the hike was really worth it even though the trail was long and hard. 

(Hiking Mansfield Mountain in 2013)

(Hiking Mansfield Mountain in 2013)

(Hiking Mansfield Mountain in 2013)

(Hiking Mansfield Mountain in 2013)

(Hiking Mansfield Mountain in 2013)

(Hiking Mansfield Mountain in 2013)

After I moved to Vermont, I got much more excited for hiking, because here are numerous mountains we can hike. The first mountain that I hiked is the most challenging one in Vermont, and that is Mansfield Mountain, the highest mountain in the state. There were two trails I could choose; one is more steep, dangerous but short, and another one is easier but much longer. I chose the dangerous one because I wanted to challenge and remind myself why I could not make it to the top for the first time! 
(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

As I had mentioned in my previous blog, most Vermonter and visitors go hiking in the fall season in Vermont because of the “red sea.” The fall season in Vermont is just like the Garden of Eden, a realm of paradise that is almost gone in human minds. So I still go hiking this year, I want to go back and look for the paradise again.

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

This time we chose another mountain in Vermont. It is call Killington Peak, which is about 90 miles away from the campus. This place is more like a tourism area because Killington Peak is the highest ski area in Vermont and has the most vertical drop of any ski mountain in the New England area. It's nickname is also “the Beast of the East.” So the mountain that we hiked is also prime for skiing in the winter.

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

There are many trails that we could choose to hike the mountain, and the destinations are the same spot on the peak. Since we had some hikers in our group who do not have enough experience for hiking, we choose the second most difficult trail. Same as Mansfield Mountain - the easier the trail, the longer the distance. However, the second most difficult trail in Killington Peak is so much easier than any mountain I hiked in the country. It is probably why this is a tourism area and a professional ski area which is not designed for hiking. 

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

However, the Vermont landscape has not changed. It is still as gorgeous as usual, with breathtaking views. After we got the destination, there is a huge restaurant on the top. Around the restaurant, it is surrounded by glass, so people can eat while they watch the landscape. The difference from hiking Mansfield is that we can see the landscape anywhere before we reach the top and there is no restaurant on the top of Mansfield; everyone had picnics on the rocks on Mansfield. For me, hiking Killington Peak is more like walking in the Garden of Eden, but Mansfield is more adventurous. No matter where you hike in Vermont, it is always awesome hiking the "red sea" during Vermont' fall!

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

(Hiking Killington Peak in 2015)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Going to Saint Michael's College Is More than Just Studying!

Living on campus is always fun. Even though you may have a lot of work to do for classes at school, there are also a lot of interesting activities created by your residents assistants on weekends. Of course, these activities are all free. All of the weekend’s activities are part of school’s programs and Saint Michael's College pays for students every time.

When I was in middle school in China, we also had some school activities, but most activities that school created were same and not not creative. For example, what we had were all about “class talents show” or “sport games” once a year, and the school did not provide budget to students’ leader to create more programs for students.

At Saint Michael’s College, whenever the weekend is closer, the RAs who will be on duty for weekend will have a meeting about what kind of programs they want create for school’s residents. I was one of the RAs in that meeting, and I think we had a really creative and fantastic idea for students this weekend. What we did is to cut male students’ hair, braid female students’ hair, diy hair and make different conditioners.

In our meeting, one of our RAs mentioned that he knows how to cut hair and he wants to teach other students because getting a haircut from barber shop can be expensive for some college students. It usually costs 25 dollars, and plus tips, it would be close to 30 dollars. However, buying an electric clipper from Amazon is only 20 dollars. Once students learn the skills, they do not have to spend couple hours to go to downtown to get a haircut instead of cut it by themselves.

As usual, we did our program in school’s student center on Saturday night. It was super successful because we cut and braid a lot of residents’ hair and more than 100 people came to our program. For this program, school paid all three new electric clippers, conditioner’s materials, hair chalk and foods. In addition, we did not hire any professional people from outside the school to cut and braid hair, but they were all RA volunteers.

When this program was almost finished, there were also some Chinese students came. They did not get a haircut because they thought it was a little funny to get a haircut from another student. But there was a Chinese girl to make conditioner for herself. I saw them and talked to them later, they said they had never seen students cutting hair at school and making conditioner by themselves. They stayed around and watched other students getting haircut for 30 minutes and then left. Obviously, they were absorbed by this program even though they did not get a haircut.

At Saint Michael’s College, we have programs on Friday and Saturday nights every week, and our goal is to get more and more residents engaged in school’s programs. Going to Saint Michael's College is about more than studying because we host many great activities every week. In addition, we would love to see more and more international students come and join us because this is also a good opportunity to hang out with American students and learn some local cultures. To be honest, I am one of RAs on our campus, and I have also learned a lot of new things about American cultures from our programs that I did not know before.